Heqin Cheng
Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China
Cheng Heqin has her expertise in estuarine and coastal sediment dynamics and morphodynamics, integrated coastal zone management. Her long time measurement data sets of the estuarine tidal level, current velocity, bathymetry, bedforms, channel morphology and transition regime of ripple-dune, response of sediment dynamics to the human interventions in the watershed, fishery model in the East China Sea, semi-analytical model of sediment entrapment in estuaries, impact of sea level rise in the Changjiang (Yangtze) river estuary create new pathways for improving sustainable management strategy of coastal system and adaptation estuarine and coastal cities to sea level rise. She has built this challenging strategy after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration in institutions. The foundation is based on a majority of historical data sets and methodology of field measurements, numerical simulation, huge experiences and data analysis results from her colleagues in her institute, Shanghai Water Authority and many other institutes, which referred to be stakeholders of sea level rise.
Abstract : Adaptation to sea level rise from Shanghai city, China