Jose Sanchez Del Rio
Alter Technology, Spain
Title: Advanced electronics for space and studies on climate change
Biography: Jose Sanchez Del Rio
In order to determine the most suitable capacitors that may satisfy the different Climate Change field applications demands, we have searched, between the different manufacture companies in today’s market, the most reliable, miniaturized and high temperature resistant silicon capacitors. With the recent progress in the 3D Silicon Capacitors, this technique was the best candidate for manufacturing capacitors with such characteristics. In this paper, an evaluation and testing analysis of three different families of PIC 3D silicon capacitors is presented. Following tests were supported by these silicon capacitors: Voltage and thermals step stress, accelerated life endurance and environmental tests including mechanical vibrations, mechanical and thermal shocks and cross section analysis. Furthermore, radiation tests with gamma radiation and heavy ions in order to study the Single Event Effect (SEE) were performed. It is concluded that their excellent behavior to these tests makes them highly suitable for Space and Climate Change applications.