Paul Alexander Comet
Houston, USA
Paul Alexander Comet has a MS in Geology from London University UK. & Ph.D from Bristol University UK. in Organic Geochemistry. He has extensive international experience in petroleum research & has published or coauthored some 50 papers. He was shipboard geochemist on ODP Leg 101 (Blake Bahama Plateau). He has worked at Core Labs. Singapore & Indonesia. Then at Texas A&M (GERG) where he was an associate research scientist working on mapping the Gulf of Mexico oils. His present interests include alternative energy, particularly as it relates to the waste stream, as well as the monetization of alternative energy for the building of a complementary “alternative society” for the disenfranchised. He has also worked at Sperry/Halliburton, where as a log analyst using XRF & XRD, on “unconventional reservoirs” he investigated some of the major oil producing basins of the USA.
Abstract : Waste, sustainability and money in controlling the carbon cycle and avoiding climate change