Irene Perez Lopez
Pan-American Observatory of Landscape, Territory and Architecture, Spain
Irene Perez Lopez (PhD in Architecture ETSAM-UPM, President of OPPTA). Sheisco-founder of the Pan-American Observatory of Landscape, Territory and Architecture OPPTA, a non-profit internationalorganizationfocusedontheprotection, restoration, recovery and reconstruction of urban and rural environmentswith a specialfocusonsustainableurbandesign and planning, riskmanagement (ClimateChange and man-madepressureonenvironment), and theimplementation of Resilience cities and societies. Sheworked as director of TerritorioMayor (2013-14), the Centre forUrbanStudies at the Mayor University in Chile, onthedevelopment of consultancies and design-ledresearchregardingtosustainableurbancityplanning, landscape and territory. Previously, shefoundedherown office focusonthedevelopment of architecture, urbandesign and landscapearchitectureprojects. In addition, Irene has beenAssociateProfessor and AssistantProfessor at theBíoBíoUniversity, Mayor University, Salamanca University and theSchool of Architecture at thePolytechnicUniversity of Madrid ETSAM-UPM.
Abstract : Urban and architectural approaches for an effective climate change adaptation in Latin America