Richard Stephens
CEO Aesop Energy LLC & Fuel-Free Aviation, Inc., USA
Richard is Chief Executive of Aesop Energy and Fuel-Free Aviation. Established International Business & Technologies GP to finance and develop commercial products and emerging technologies, and chaired two United Nations plenary sessions on the impact of emerging technologies. He wrote “Financial Gladiator” (on investor and business due diligence practices), and has served on boards of several private companies, non-profit organizations, and government entities. Richard conducted studies and seminars for power production and water desalinization, and served as Supervisor of Operations for the US Chemical Industries Emergency Program (CHEMTREC); Member of the Board for the World Safety Organization; six years as WSO Liaison to the UN, New York City, Geneva and the United Nations Environmental Program. He holds a BS and MS in Environmental Studies. In 1991 he was selected World Safety Person of the Year.