Moktar Hamdi
University Carthage, Tunisia
Moktar Hamdi attended the University Provence (France), where he took a Engineer degree in industrial and applied microbiology and He subsequently obtained a PhD degree in microbiology, followed by a post-doctoral period at INSA Toulouse (France)
In 1999, Moktar Hamdi joined National Institute of Applied Sciences and technology as an associate professor being promoted in 2004 to full Professor in Biological Engineering, where he was Head of Department of biological and Chemical Engineering from 2003 to 2008, and Head of doctoral school from 2009 to 2012). Professor Moktar Hamdi is also director of research laboratory in Microbial ecology and technology in the university of Carthage since 2004. Dr. Hamdi has published over 180 papers, over 10 patents and some chapters in several books. He is a scientific advisory boards and he has served on many editorial boards of many indexed scientific journals.
Abstract : Analogy between biofuels and nuclear energy and their contributions in the climate change mitigation