Elena Jimenez Martinez
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Dr. Jiménez has a vastexperience in investigating the gas-phase chemistry of primary and secondary pollutants and their atmospheric implications. Her research is focused on the kinetics of different removal processes in the troposphere (reaction with tropospheric oxidants and UV photolysis) together with the formation of secondary pollutants (gaseous and particulate matter). The aim of her research is then the evaluation of the impact of potential CFC replacements, such as fluorinated and perfluorinatedcompounds on air pollution and their contribution on the global warming. A great list of fluorinated compounds has been investigatedup to now. The daytime chemistryof these CFC substitutesis mostly dominated by gas-phase reaction with OH radicals. The obtained OH-rate coefficients for can be included in the chemistry modules of atmospheric models. Dr. Jiménez is also involved in the gas-phase chemistry of interstellar molecules at temperatures down to 110 K (ERC project NANOCOSMOS).
Abstract : Evaluation of the impact of future HFC replacements on air pollution and global warming