Bernardin Peros
University of Split, Croatia
. Bernardin Peroš, M.Sc.C.E. Completed his Ph. D. in 1995. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb Croatia. His Doctoral thesis was “Safety of structures with a dominant wind load”. He was a professor of eight courses at graduate studies and two courses at postgraduate-doctoral studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Split. He was a professor at postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb and Faculty of Civil engineering in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
He was a vice –rector at the University of Split 2002-2004, and a dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2007-2010.
Scientific research: Safety of engineering structures and risk assessment under extreme actions. Publications includes: 92 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of scientific conferences. He was a mentor for a great number of postgraduate and doctoral theses. He has tree published books and two textbookks for students.
Membership: International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE. ECCS –European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS); COST TU 0904 – Integrated Fire Engineering and Response. He is Member of technical boards for development of Croatian norms and regulations in civil engineering.
Abstract : The effect of climate changes on buildings in Croatia