Franco Maranzana
General Manager
Stratex Djibouti
Prof. Franco Maranzana is General Manager of Stratex Djibouti from the year of 2010. He was Consulting assignments in Egypt (Stratex and Terra), in Croatia, as a follow up of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia in Slavonia. He served Director of Project UN-Ministry Foreign Affairs, "SEISMED" on the subject of seismic risk in the Mediterranean Basin in the period of 1988 to 1992. A multidisciplinary activity is involving collaboration with experts and institutions of the 16 countries in the area, promoting and assessing methodologies of risk evaluation and reduction. Aspects of climate changes, he completed his education in Arts and classical studies in Trieste and degree in geology at Rome University (1959) Post graduate course at the Imperial College, London (1963 -64).
Research Interest
Mineral exploration, Geoethics,Climate Change, Natural resources, evaluation of mineraI potential, Natural risks mitigation, Environment