Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th World Conference on Climate Change, will be organized around the theme “Today’s Progress and Tomorrow’s Climate Challenges”
Climate Change 2017 is comprised of 21 tracks and 125 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Climate Change 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Climate change, also called global warming, refers to the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth. Climatology, the science of Climate and its relation to plant and animal life, is important in many fields, including agriculture, aviation, medicine, botany, zoology, geology, and geography. Changes in Climate affect, for example, the plant and animal life of a given area. Climatology, the science of Climate and its relation to plant and animal life, is important in many fields, including agriculture, aviation, medicine, botany, zoology, geology, and geography. Changes in Climate affect, for example, the plant and animal life of a given area.
- Track 1-1Climate science
- Track 1-2Atmospheric science
- Track 1-3Ecosystems and climate change
- Track 1-4Climate and weather statistics
- Track 1-5Climate change and agriculture
- Track 1-6Western hemisphere warm pool
- Track 1-7Paleoclimatology
- Track 1-8Air quality
Many lines of scientific evidence show the Earth's climate is changing. This page presents the latest information from several independent measures of observed climate change that illustrate an overwhelmingly compelling story of a planet that is undergoing global warming. Our world is getting warmer. Over the last 100 years the average global surface temperature has risen by about 0.74C. For scientists studying the impacts of climate change, such questions - and answers - are constantly being revised and refined as more information is gathered, models are fine-tuned, and feedbacks are better understood.
- Track 2-1Sea level rises
- Track 2-2Ocean heat content
- Track 2-3Global temperature rise
- Track 2-4Warming oceans
- Track 2-5Extreme events
- Track 2-6Ocean acidification
- Track 2-7Ozone layer
- Track 2-8Shifting ranges of plants and animals
Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming those results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere—which acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet.
- Track 3-1Global Warming
- Track 3-2Widespread extinction of species
- Track 3-3Massive crop failures
- Track 3-4Circulation of atmospheric winds
- Track 3-5Circulation of oceanic currents
- Track 3-6Green House Gases and effect
- Track 3-7Forest degradation
- Track 3-8Carbon dioxide emissions
- Track 3-9Oxygen depletion in oceans
- Track 3-10Abrupt or irreversible changes
- Track 3-11Solar Impact
Scenarios of changes in biodiversity for the year 2100 can now be developed, based on scenarios of changes in atmospheric CO2, climate, vegetation, and land use and the known sensitivity of biodiversity to these changes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. This synthesis focuses on estimates of biodiversity change as projected for the 21st century by models or extrapolations based on experiments and observed trends. The term “biodiversity” is used in a broad sense as it is defined in the Convention on Biological Diversity to mean the abundance and distributions of and interactions between genotypes, species, communities, ecosystems and biomes.
- Track 4-1Biodiversity and ecosystem research
- Track 4-2Biodiversity threats
- Track 4-3Biodiversity-Issues and ChallengesÂ
- Track 4-4Community and global ecology
- Track 4-5Desertification
- Track 4-6Ecological and sustainable agriculture
- Track 4-7Ecology, ecosystem shifts and biodiversityÂ
- Track 4-8Migration of biological systems
The global carbon cycle operates through a variety of response and feedback mechanism, responses of the carbon cycle to changing CO2 concentrations. Anthropogenic CO2 by the ocean is primarily governed by ocean circulation and carbonate chemistry. Changes in marine biology brought about by changes in calcification at low pH could increase the clean uptake of CO2 by a few percentage points.
- Track 6-1Impacts of increasing CO2 on other systems
- Track 6-2Role of carbon dioxide in glacial cycles
- Track 6-3Improved modelling and monitoring
- Track 6-4Carbon cycle re-balancing
- Track 6-5Permafrost carbon cycle
- Track 6-6Snowball Earth and the "Slow carbon cycle"
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and sequestration (CCS) is a set of technologies that can greatly reduce CO2 emissions from new and existing coal- and gas-fired power plants and large industrial sources. Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and sequestration (CCS) could play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while enabling low-carbon electricity generation from power plants. Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and sequestration (CCS) can significantly reduce emissions from large stationary sources of CO2, which include coal- and natural-gas-fired power plants, as well as certain industry types such as ethanol and natural gas processing plants.
Climate and climate-related hazards such as floods, storms, and droughts have served as trigger events for more than 75% of the disasters that have occurred globally over the past decade. Proportionately, these disasters affect the least developed countries most intensely, proving to be especially harmful to poverty stricken populations.
- Track 8-1Tsunami and floods
- Track 8-2Drought and heatwaves
- Track 8-3Forest fire events
- Track 8-4Agriculture issues
- Track 8-5Coal-Fired
- Track 8-6Warming Gulf of Marine Waters
- Track 8-7Earthquakes
Climate change is expected to hit developing countries the hardest. Its effects—higher temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent weather-related disasters—pose risks for agriculture, food, and water supplies. At stake are recent gains in the fight against poverty, hunger and disease, and the lives and livelihoods of billions of people in developing countries. Addressing climate change requires unprecedented global cooperation across borders. Historical societal adaptations to climate fluctuations may provide insights on potential responses of modern societies to future climate change that has a bearing on water resources, food production and management of natural systems. The average air temperature will increase as the earth becomes hotter. This will cause shifts in normal weather and rainfall patterns. For example, some areas may become drier, while others may become wetter. The average temperature of the sea surface will increase, which may cause coral bleaching and changes in fish distribution. Sea level will rise in many locations due to a combination of the melting of land ice in Antarctica and other areas and the expansion of ocean waters as they warm. As the level of the sea rises, this may impact the coastline and increase the intensity of storm surges. Weather patterns including storms, drought, rainy seasons, and dry seasons will change in different ways in different places and may result in more extreme events.
- Track 9-1Ecological Impact
- Track 9-2Water resources
- Track 9-3Human health
- Track 9-4Hurricanes and Tornadoes
- Track 9-5Local weather
- Track 9-6Effects of Sea level change
- Track 9-7Coasts
- Track 9-8Drought
These shorter- term variations are mostly due to natural causes, and do not contradict our fundamental understanding that the long-term warming trend is primarily due to human-induced changes in the atmosphericlevels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Emerging economy nations are actively seeking to identify opportunities and related financial, technical, and policy requirements to move toward a low carbon growth path. Extreme climate events such as aridity, drought, flood, cyclone and stormy rainfall are expected to leave an impact on human society. They are also expected to generate widespread response to adapt and mitigate the sufferings associated with these extremes. Societal and cultural responses to prolonged drought include population dislocation, cultural separation, habitation abandonment, and societal collapse. A typical response to local aridity is the human migration to safer and productive areas.
- Track 10-1Science and assessment of Impacts
- Track 10-2Economics and Finance
- Track 10-3Pathways and transformation
- Track 10-4Ecosystem based adaptation
- Track 10-5Knowledge and Policy
- Track 10-6Renewable energy resource
- Track 10-7Disaster risk reduction
- Track 10-8Risks and potential for Adaptation
- Track 10-9Rainwater harvesting
Activities that aim at raising awareness and improving access to scientific information on adaptation, so that decision-makers can better integrate climate change issues in development planning and poverty reductionmeasures. The activities include national science-policy dialogues, regional knowledge sharing strategies, and regional trainings. The science-policy dialogues are designed to address the need for better two-way interaction and communication at the science-policy interface on climate change issues, particularly on adaptation. Energy efficiency opportunities, which are of particular importance to cities, are buildings and district energy systems. To build a regulatory strategy, establish enabling legislation and regulatory standards, and set up enforcement mechanisms.
- Track 11-1Energy resource efficiency
- Track 11-2Renewable energy
- Track 11-3Sustainable cities
- Track 11-4Clean fuels and vehicles
- Track 11-5Chemicals & waste
Climate change is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century, along with global population, poverty alleviation, environmental degradation and global security. The problem is that ‘climate change’ is no longer just a scientific concern, but encompasses economics, sociology, geopolitics, national and local politics, law, and health just to name a few. But with so many other problems in the world should we care about climate change? What we are finding is that if we do not produce win-win solutions then climate change will make all our other problems worse.
- Track 12-1Sustainable cities
- Track 12-2Urban Mobility
- Track 12-3De-carbonising Global energy supply
- Track 12-4Renewable energy and low carbon opportunities
- Track 12-5Sustainable agriculture, forestry and water use
- Track 12-6Thermal pollutionÂ
- Track 12-7Sustainable environment and healthÂ
- Track 12-8Water resources and issuesÂ
- Track 12-9Weather forecasts and scenarios
- Track 12-10Decreased human demands and greeds
- Track 12-11Sustainable environment and agricultures
- Track 12-12Restoration of coastal habitats
- Track 12-13Coral reef restoration
Climate change raises significant social, environmental and legal challenges. The governance system applying to climate change is complex and multi-level. A central issue in international law and policy is how countries of the world should allocate the burden of addressing global climate change. Countries around the world are taking important domestic actions to help tackle the issue of climate change.
- Track 15-1Global climate strategies and policies
- Track 15-2Tax regulations and subsidies to facilitate green economy
- Track 15-3Opportunities for global trading in green consumer goods and services
- Track 15-4Carbon Pricing and Markets
- Track 15-5Carbon taxÂ
Climate Changes in ocean systems generally occur over much longer time periods than in the atmosphere, where storms can form and dissipate in a single day. Interactions between the oceans and atmosphere occur slowly over many months to years, and so does the movement of water within the oceans, including the mixing of deep and shallow waters. Thus, trends can persist for decades, centuries, or longer. For this reason, even if greenhouse gas emissions were stabilized tomorrow, it would take many more years—decades to centuries—for the oceans to adjust to changes in the atmosphere and the climate that have already occurred.
- Track 16-1The effects on ocean life
- Track 16-2Ocean Policies that tackle the issues of global climate change
- Track 16-3Ocean acidification
- Track 16-4Effects of melting ice
- Track 16-5Effects on conveyor belt
- Track 16-6Coral bleaching
- Track 16-7Fish migration
- Track 16-8Drowning of wetlands
- Track 16-9Ocean acidification
- Track 16-10Melting of glaciers and ice sheets
- Track 16-11Thermal expansion of seawater
- Track 16-12Coastal erosion
- Track 17-1Sustainable developmentÂ
- Track 17-2Sustainable environment and health
- Track 17-3Urban and regional planningÂ
- Track 17-4Adaptation and Mitigation
- Track 17-5Community development
- Track 17-6Sustainable urbanization
- Track 17-7Sustainable development
- Track 17-8UN framework on Climate change
- Track 17-9Minimum ecological disruption
- Track 17-10Challenge of de-carbonization
- Track 17-11Sustainability in adaption
Sustainability broadly means balancing economic, social and environmental systems so that one ‘system’ does not adversely impact the other two. Long term changes in the average weather patterns/ temperature. Often used interchangeably with ‘Global Warming “or “Green House Gas Effect” phrases and is linked to manmade acceleration of the amount of CO2 produced globally. This diagram to illustrates the historical rise in greenhouse gas emissions over the centuries.
- Track 18-1Agriculture pollution and effects
- Track 18-2Air pollution and effects
- Track 18-3Climate oscillations
- Track 18-4Coastal Management
- Track 18-5Degraded air quality
- Track 18-6Health issues
- Track 18-7Increasing carbon footprint
- Track 18-8Natural environment
- Track 18-9Sulfur dioxide causing acid rains
- Track 18-10Water pollution and effects
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2013, CO2 accounted for about 82% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals). Carbon dioxide is constantly being exchanged among the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface as it is both produced and absorbed by many microorganisms, plants, and animals. However, emissions and removal of CO2 by these natural processes tend to balance.
Energy is deposited in a range of energy sources, which can be non-renewable or renewable. Renewable sources of energy are those that can be refilled in a short period of time, as opposed to non-renewable sources of energy.The use of renewable sources of energy is less polluting, compared to that of non-renewable sources. Specifically, increased dependence on renewable sources of energy is a key element of efforts to avert climate change.Renewable sources of energy today make an irrelevantcontribution to total energy use, compared to that of non-renewable sources. A range of barriers hamper the widespread deployment of renewable energy technologies.
The immensity of global warming can be discouraging and depressing. What can one person, or even one nation, do on their own to slow and reverse climate change? The good news is that we know exactly what needs to be done to stop climate change - and the technologies we need already exist. With the right policies at national and local levels, we would be able to deploy them on a large scale.
- Track 21-1Forego fossil fuels
- Track 21-2Stop cutting down trees
- Track 21-3Reuse energy resources
- Track 21-4Reduce greenhouse gas emissions