Sara E. Alexander
Associate Professor
Baylor University
As an applied environmental anthropologist, the majority of my research projects focus on the dynamics of human populations and environmental change, specifically climate change in most cases. A project I recently completedin several coastal communities in Belize, addresses the ways in which households respond to climate-related shocks. The research involveddetermining levels of vulnerability and devising a Resilience Index to examine specific responses and coping strategies to climate-related disturbances. In 2014, I conducted research in the western interior region of Belize to determine awareness and level of understanding of climate change on the part of those working in the tourism industry. I continue to interview farmers in West Texas to document their farming systems and to examine their understanding of climate change along with their perceptions of risk relative to impacts on their wheat and corn production. I began this research in 2014 and will continue through 2019.
Research Interest
My current research centers on human responses to climate and other environmental changes.