Azime Tezer
Istanbul Technical University
Azime Tezer works at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Urban and Regional Planning Department. Her researches focus on ecological urban planning policies, tools and techniques for urban natural hazard mitigation, integration of ecosystem services into spatial planning, eco-sensitive watershed management modeling, climate change and urban planning interaction. After 1999 Marmara Earthquakes she joined to ITU-US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “ACHIEVE - Train the Trainer Education Program†in between 2000-2001. During 2001-2006 she participated FEMA Training Courses in US and JICA Urban Hazard Mitigation Courses in Kobe and Tokyo. After these training programs, she took part in disaster reduction planning; public awareness raising and technical-administrative-community representatives’ capacity development projects at national and provincial levels in Turkey. Finally, she represented TUPOB (Association of Turkish Planning Schools) and ITU at the “COP23 Planners for Climate Action†in Bonn.
Research Interest
Her researches focus on ecological urban planning policies, tools and techniques for urban natural hazard mitigation, integration of ecosystem services into spatial planning, eco-sensitive watershed management modeling, climate change and urban planning interaction.